
Presentation of the ‘Repository of Robotics’ project

We invite everyone to a public presentation of the guidelines of the project titled ‘Repository of Robotics – Digital Sharing of Scientific Resources in the Area of Robotics’. The event will take place at the Conference Centre of PIAP on October 12, 2017.

The project titled ‘Repository of Robotics – Digital Sharing of Scientific Resources in the Area of Robotics’ is prepared by the Industrial Institute for Automatics and Measurements (PIAP) for the contest held as part of Operating Program ‘Digital Poland’, Sub-action 2.3.1: ‘Digital sharing of public sector’s information from administrative sources and from resources of science’ (type II: ‘Digital sharing of resources of science’).

Assumptions underlying the project will be presented at the Conference Centre of PIAP, 202 Jerusalem Avenue, Warsaw, on October 12, 2017, at 13:00.

Everyone interested in contributing to the presentation is asked to send a notice to ekolomanska@piap.pl until October 10, 2017. The e-mail should contain the first and last names of the speaker and the name of his or her organisation (if applicable).

The presentation will be recorded using audio and/or video equipment.